As a professional body, we strive to promote education and training in the field of transport and logistics and a wider supply chain. To apply, there are a number of grants and awards available to individuals and organizations.

About grants and awards

Our awards are accepted at the discretion of the International Award Committee CILT. There are special criteria that need to be met to be considered as a reward, and they are described in detail in each separate category of the Prize.

Education financing

The overall purpose of this Fund, managed by the Trustees –

Raising the level of education in the field of transport and logistics through the provision of scholarships and awards, lectures, libraries and other educational institutions and activities that will be deemed appropriate by the trustees.

Within the framework of the Foundation and CILT education awards, grants and scholarships are available. CILT awards, grants and fellowships are designed to encourage research in logistics, transportation developments and needs in various parts of the world. Any CILT member at any level (including the Student Branch) can apply for a prize through the territorial organization or branch of the Institute. Or write to the mail send

Henry Spoerrier Scholarships

These scholarships are designed to encourage research by covering travel and subsistence costs, obtaining research materials or organizing a research program. Awards are not intended to be used to pay for tuition, but can be used to support the necessary research to complete a dissertation to a higher degree. It is expected that a copy of the report or dissertation will be sent to the institute for placement in the CILT Knowledge Center, and a summary on the international CILT website. Each year, funds are allocated in the amount of:

  • One big reward of up to £ 2500
  • Three small awards up to £ 1,000 each

Support Grants

They should help students with educational literature and essential expenses:

  • Ten grants of £ 200 each

Awards for worthy work

Four awards for £ 250 each, who will do a decent job in three categories:

  • Policy – for example, on accessibility, sustainability, the environment, the economy and regulation and control
  • Transport facilities – freight and passenger transport by all means of transport, including operations and infrastructure
  • Industrial logistics – includes supply chain management, inventory, procurement, etc. and the underlying technology

Acceptable articles will contain at least 2500 words and will be published or presented in public.

Candidatures must be made only by territorial organizations, CILT affiliates, regional Faculty of CILT UK.