Fritz Institute and CILT are pleased to announce that US and UK scholarships have been awarded for training for the USAID-sponsored humanitarian logistics certification program. In total, 40 free scholarships for training will be available, 13 of which are for the certification of humanitarian logistics (in French and English), 27 for certification in the field of humanitarian medical logistics (the course is available only in English).

Certification is a recognized best practice for training in the field of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management. The purpose of this training is to increase the effectiveness of response to emergencies of vulnerable groups throughout the world by improving the skills of logisticians working in the humanitarian field.

Who can apply?
Applicants for certification in the field of humanitarian medical logistics (MedLog) must have experience working as a humanitarian logist for at least one year or a medical specialist. Those who apply for certification in this area must have at least one year of experience as a humanitarian logist.

The certification program is fully online, so access to the Internet is vital. Candidates should also be able to convince us of their readiness to complete the training and subsequently be able to use the knowledge and skills they received in the humanitarian environment. Preference will be given to candidates who currently work for humanitarian organizations, national NGOs or government agencies (such as the Ministry of Health or the National Agency for Disaster Management).

Registration terms
You can see the Application Forms for the link. To strengthen your application, you are asked to provide a letter on the letterhead, from your current employer. No other documents for the application will be considered.

Applications must be sent by e-mail. The names of recipients of the scholarships will be announced within a week after the application is filed.
To learn more about certification programs, go to the link

Email requests for a scholarship to the certification program for humanitarian logistics

Email Course Content to the Humanitarian Logistics Certification Program