Now we offer a more flexible way of your training and professional development. Entrance certificate, certificate and diploma qualification are created from separate parts of the training. They are available as separate modules and can be studied as short courses. Visit our training centers to find out who offers this option.

We will accredit training organizations, consultants and short training courses which are presented as separate modules, just as they are on the program, or with additional local activities, visits and content to form a short course. Delegates who pass the exam will receive a certificate, which can be supplemented to full qualification at a later stage. Delegates who simply attend the course without taking the test will receive a CPD certificate of attendance.

This new provision means that at the international level, more people will be able to access our education program, more companies will be able to provide modules within their core training programs, and more professionals will be able to obtain international diplomas.

The cost of training for each set individually.